ArcheRage Store

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Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on June 1, 2022.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Frankenyata Costume
Костюм ятты проклятого рассвета.png

Duskglow Waistcoast Ensemble
Duskglow Waistcoat Ensemble.png

Skyline Waistcoat Ensemble
Skyline Waistcoat Ensemble.png

Arrogant Yata Mask
Надменная маска ятты.png

Gorilla Glass Figurine

Owl Poster

Свистящая сова и дети.png

Ahnimar Poster
Долина цветущих прудов.png

3-Tier Autumn Lore Bookshelf
Трехъярусная ореховая книжная полка.png

Housepet: Blobby
Домашний питомец Капелюш.png

HousePet: Marvelous Mab
Домашний питомец Шалунити, чудесный енот.png
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Starpoint
  • Honorable Victory Rank 5
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Book of Auroria
  • Tax Certificate
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Draught of Forgiveness
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Merit Badge
  • Specialization Snowflake Shard
  • Mornstone
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Labor Reward: 500
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Honor Boost Tonic
  • Loyalty Token 10-Pack
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • ArcheRage Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Typhoon Drake

Typhoon Drake

Typhoon Drakes were first tamed by a courageous Warborn, who'd spent years laboring in a wealthy Harani's stables. The nobleman had no idea how much his stall mucker was secretly learning. Can't ride while carrying a trade pack; can't desummon during combat.

A Dashardly Plan! - Increases mount's Move Speed +50% for 10 sec. Increases gliding speed +30% while airborne.
Overwhelm - Charges a distant enemy, then bites it to deal Physical Damage. Decreases enemy's Move Speed -30% for 3 seconds and inflicts damage over 14 sec. Can't be used during Conductive Charge or Fly.
Lightning Glider - Powers the mount into the air for 5 minutes. Can't be used during Conductive Charge or Thunderbreath.
Conductive Charge - Triggers a charge at a target for 3 sec. Deals damage to rammed enemies. Grants immunity and lets the drake dart forward if used during Fly.
Thunderbreath - Allows the drake to spew electricity, dealing Magic Damage and inflicting Shock on a target within 15m. Can't be used during Conductive Charge or Fly.​
Ancient Ardern Box

from it you can obtain:
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Tax Certificate
  • Cornucopia Crop
  • Mornstone
  • Decor Limit Increase
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Merchants Coin
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Igneer SummoningStone
  • Iceneer SummoningStone
  • Mooneer SummoningStone

Камень Игнира.png

- Increases movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds. Not available when carrying a trade pack.

Forest Anger - The elk jumps forward and stuns your target.
Fire Arrow - Deals 500% of damaged from ranged attack power. Will put a 'burning' debuff on the target.
Like a flash - The Elk of the ancient forest is not afraid of anything. Allows you to make a quick leap forward granting immunity. Cannot be used when carrying a trade pack.
Phantom Arden Illusion - Will hide both the rider and the mount itself in stealth for 45 seconds, not canceled by movement but cannot be used in combat. Cannot be used while carrying a trade pack.

Base Speed: 11.8 m/s.

Камень Анира.png

- Increases movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds. Not available when carrying a trade pack.
Forest Anger - The elk jumps forward and stuns your target.
Freezing Arrow - Fires a freezing arrow dealing Physical Damage equal to 300% of ranged attack. Reduces move speed up to -40% for 4 seconds, move speed will regenerate over time.
Like a flash - The Elk of the ancient forest is not afraid of anything. Allows you to make a quick leap forward granting immunity. Cannot be used when carrying a trade pack.
Phantom Arden Illusion - Will hide both the rider and the mount itself in stealth for 45 seconds, not canceled by movement but cannot be used in combat. Cannot be used while carrying a trade pack.

Base Speed: 11.8 m/s.

Камень Лунира.png

Increases movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds. Not available when carrying a trade pack.
Forest Anger - The elk jumps forward and stuns your target.
Electric Arrow - Deals 500% of damaged from ranged attack power. Will put a ''shock'' debuff on your target.
Like a flash - The Elk of the ancient forest is not afraid of anything. Allows you to make a quick leap forward granting immunity. Cannot be used when carrying a trade pack.
Phantom Arden Illusion - Will hide both the rider and the mount itself in stealth for 45 seconds, not canceled by movement but cannot be used in combat. Cannot be used while carrying a trade pack.

Base Speed: 11.8 m/s.​

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on June 8, 2022.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Kyprosa's Winter Furs
Костюм наследника Крепости Ели.png

Reedwind Champion Costume
Костюм небесного стража.png

Autumn Greenman Chroma
Костюм осеннего лесовика.png

Lonely Isle Dinghy

Dragon Lantern
Светильник «Синий дракон».png

Mossy-Moss Armchair
Кресло-кокон с зонтиком.png

Miniature Villa, Manor
Миниатюрная вилла, особняк.png

Spring Theme Poster

Glass Ostrich Figurine
Стеклянная фигурка страуса.png

Corgi Housepet
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Starpoint
  • Honorable Victory Rank 5
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Book of Auroria
  • Tax Certificate
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Draught of Forgiveness
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Merit Badge
  • Specialization Snowflake Shard
  • Mornstone
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Labor Reward: 500
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Honor Boost Tonic
  • Loyalty Token 10-Pack
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • ArcheRage Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Soulmule
  • Vanhi


Once thought to be an old soldier's tale, this legendary tiger is an omen of war throughout Haranya.

Gnaw - Sharpens mount's bite, dealing Physical Damage and additional damage. Triggers Vicious Bite if Invisible Predator is active. Vicious Bite deals Physical Damage and reduces a target's Move Speed.
4-Leg Lope - Increases Move Speed +50% for its duration. Triggers Careen if Invisible Predator is active. Careen drastically increases Move Speed, which then decreases gradually. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Overwhelm - Charges into a distant target and inflicts Stun for its duration. Triggers Ambush if Invisible Predator is active. Ambush damages the charged enemy. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Dash - Lets the mount dash invincibly forward. Triggers Rip-Roaring if Invisible Predator is active. Rip-Roaring triggers a fast run and grants invincibility. Damages nearby enemies. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Invisible Predator - Stealths the mount and rider for 5 sec. Enhances certain other skills while active. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.

Божественный сорго.png

Not all of Nui's messengers are graceful mares and stallions. Some take the form of simpler creatures, and offer their assistance with life's more mundane struggles.

Dreaming Donkey - increases the donkey's Move Speed +30% for 1 min. Can only be used while wearing a trade pack and consumes 1 Carrot.
La Mancha's Call - Raise your spear high and charge forward for 7 sec. You cannot turn left or right once the charge begins. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Nui's Veil - Grants Stealth to both mount and rider for 45 sec. Stealth ends if you attack, or are attacked. Can't be used in combat.​
Fiendish chest.png

from it you can obtain:
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Tax Certificate
  • Cornucopia Crop
  • Mornstone
  • Decor Limit Increase
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Merchants Coin
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Pygmy Fiend
  • Arctic Kitsu

Pygmy Fiend

It is said that imps like this one are able to commune with the demons of the beyond. Regardless of whether or not this is true, Pygmy Fiends have been used for centuries as travel companions by the most daring of adventurers.

Fiendish Fright - Inflicts Fear on the Target for 2 seconds. Right-click to activate auto-use.
Devour Dream - Deals Magic Damage to the target and restores Health in the same amount to itself. Right-click to activate auto-use.
Call of the Beyond - Decreases Melee, Ranged and Magic Skill Accuracy -50% for 3 secons. Right-click to activate auto-use.
Health Regen - Restores pet's health. Right-click to activate auto-use.

Arctic Kitsu
Белый лис.png

Once thought to be extinct, the Arctic Kitsu has finally returned to Erenor thanks to the tireless efforts of dedicated conversationlists. A favorite companion of experienced adventurers, a properly-trained KItsu is both elegant and Loyal.

Strong Blow - Strikes an enemy with a stronb blow, dealing 592 Physical Damage.
Welling Health - Regenerates pet's health +2600 for 10 seconds.
Strong Claws - Sharpens the claws, increasing Attack +40% for 10 seconds.
Scratch - Scratches an enemy to deal 395 Physical Damage and infects the wound for an additional 1219 damage over 14 seconds.​

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on June 15, 2022.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Noble Beach Garment
Белый пляжный костюм.png

Reckless Ravagers Plate
Доспех Красного Демона.png

Restless Dancer Costume
Костюм миджанийского кочевника.png

Pure Yata Mask
Невинная маска ятты.PNG

Glass Bear Figurine

Стеклянная фигурка медведя.PNG

Welsh Corgi
Уэльский Шериф-Корги.PNG

Flower Cow Yata
Цветочный Мур.png

Fall Is Coming
Осень приходит.png

Monkey Chair
Стул счастливой обезьяны.png

from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Starpoint
  • Honorable Victory Rank 5
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Book of Auroria
  • Tax Certificate
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Draught of Forgiveness
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Merit Badge
  • Specialization Snowflake Shard
  • Mornstone
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Labor Reward: 500
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Honor Boost Tonic
  • Loyalty Token 10-Pack
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • ArcheRage Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Moonlight Kitsu

Moonlight Kitsu
Белоснежная лисица.png

The Moonlight Kitsu is a creature of beauty and enchantment. It can mesmerize its prey with a wave of its glowing tails, rendering them helpless to its attacks. Those lucky enough to tame such a creature often learn to use its powers in battle, charming enemies to increase the effectiveness of their own spells.

Power Dash - Increases Move Speed +70% for 10 sec then gradually decreases. Can't be used while carrying a tradepack.
Overrun - Triggers a charge that can Stun a distant enemy for 2 sec. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Scratch - Rakes your enemy with sharp claws, dealing Physical Damage and an additional damage. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Dash - Triggers a forward charge for 3 sec that makes you invincible and increases Move Speed +50%. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Bewitching Tails - Inflicts Fear for 1 second, causing the enemy to run in random directions and preventing all other actions except Evade, Block, and Parry. Inflicts Charm for 9 seconds after the fear expires, making the target more susceptible to Songcraft skill effects.

Speed 11.5​
Multipurpose Crate 15.06.2022 - 22.06.2022

from it you can obtain:
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Tax Certificate
  • Cornucopia Crop
  • Mornstone
  • Decor Limit Increase
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Merchants Coin
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Multipurpose Workbench
  • Merchant Costume: Basic
  • Merchant Costume: Trade
  • Merchant Costume: Fishing

Multipurpose Workbench

Merchant Costume Basic / Trade / Fishing
Merchant Costume. Basic.png
Merchant Costume. FIshing.png
Merchant Costume. Trade.png

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on June 22, 2022.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Pumpkin Charmer Costume
Костюм студента Ведьминской Академии.png

Resort Swimsuit
Курортный купальный костюм.png

Lawkeeper Costume

Костюм табунщика с Золотых равнин.png

Broccoli Mask

Маска лесовика в виде брокколи.png

Orchidna Music Box

Статуя «Орхидна на троне».png

Glass Twinhead Viper Figurine

Стеклянная фигурка кобры.png

Phoenix Lamp

Светильник «Хазирский феникс».png

Pilot Corgi Housepet

Уэльский Пилот-Корги.png

Thunderwing Titan Poster


Floating Isles of Reedwind Poster
Floating Isles of Reedwind.png
collectors (1).png
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Starpoint
  • Honorable Victory Rank 5
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Book of Auroria
  • Tax Certificate
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Draught of Forgiveness
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Merit Badge
  • Specialization Snowflake Shard
  • Mornstone
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Labor Reward: 500
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Honor Boost Tonic
  • Loyalty Token 10-Pack
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • ArcheRage Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Flaming Soulscar
  • Candy-fueled bestcargot

Flaming Soulscar
Призрачный тигр.png

This elemental tiger embodies the rage and destruction that dwells within its kind. It appears only to those who match its fury, carrying them into battle in a burst of fire and glory.
Speed: 11.5 m/s

Gnaw - Sharpens mount's bite, dealing Physical Damage and additional damage. Triggers Vicious Bite if Invisible Predator is active. Vicious Bite deals Physical Damage and reduces a target's Move Speed.
4-Leg Lope - Increases Move Speed +50% for its duration. Triggers Careen if Invisible Predator is active. Careen drastically increases Move Speed, which then decreases gradually.
Overwhelm - Charges into a distant target and inflicts Stun for its duration. Triggers Ambush if Invisible Predator is active.
Dash - Lets the mount dash invincibly forward. Triggers Rip-Roaring if Invisible Predator is active. Rip-Roaring triggers a fast run and grants invincibility. Damages and pushes nearby enemies.
Invisible Predator - Stealths the mount and rider for 5 sec. Enhances certain other skills while active. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.

Candy-fueled Bestcargot

Empowered by the Purple Pumpkin Candies, Bestcargot can now climb hills faster than any other snail.

Pumpkin Candy Power - Triggers an instant dash forward.
Buck Up, Friends! - Propels all ally snails within 5m forward.
Launch the Owner - Launches the rider forward. Can't be used if the rider is carrying a trade pack.​
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Building Management Title
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Honor Boost Tonic
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Merchants Favor Coin
  • ArcheRage Favors Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Lotus Magithopter
  • Umbrella Magithopter

Umbrella Magithopter

An enchanted umbrella that allows the user to float through the air.
Once a popular item among the students of the Ayanad Library, the method of their production has only recently been rediscovered.

Special Skill: Umbrella Slam
- Charges forward to Umbrella Slam an 8meter area, knocking back all affected enemies 12meter.
Deals Magic Damage per second in the area of effect.

Pressing S or the down arrow makes you stay in the air longer.
Increases Move Speed +50% for 5 seconds when Ascended.

Lotus Magithopter
Глайдер «Лягушка-путешественница».png

Darus finds this big leafy-leaf in Ahnimar.
Humanses calls it Lotus and do the hoppings on it, but we Darus know is not only good for hoppings! Sometime frogses is still on leafy-leaf, when we takes it, but is ok, yes?
Removed from the Loyalty Store:
  • Rajani
  • Cheerberry Yata Costume​

Added to Loyalty Store:
  • Flamehound​
  • Dragon Cultist​

Removed from Merit Store:
  • Bloody Adorable Yata Pirate Costume​
  • Racing Zebra​

Added to Merit Store:
  • Crimson Perinoor Silks​
  • Steel Lightning​

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on June 29, 2022.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Ancient Riddler Costume
Костюм древнего царя.png

Lutesong Ceremonial Robe
Костюм кортмунского экзарха.png

Evergreen Suit
Костюм весеннего лесовика.png

Larva Greenman Mask

Immovable Hammock

Crest Plate Decor

The Ghost Bride Poster
Призрачная невеста.png

Gentle Giant Poster
Милый гигант.png

Welsh Pirate Corgi
Уэльский Пират-Корги.png

Glass Firefly Figurine

Стеклянная фигурка арованы.png
Sailor Trainers Chest 29.06.2022 until 06.07.2022

from it you can obtain:
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Tax Certificate
  • Cornucopia Crop
  • Mornstone
  • Decor Limit Increase
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Merchants Coin
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Tame Seabug
  • Cyanfin
  • Fuchsiafin
  • Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle
Упакованая Черепаха ниндзя.png

This ninja turtle is quite aggressive... I would not joke arround much with it... but it will be your faithful companion in battles!

Strong Blow - Deals damage to an enemy
Welling health - Regenerates its own health.
Guard Dog - Taunts an an enemy to redirect his attacks to the turtle.
Body slam - Deals damage to an enemy and inflict trip for 2 seconds.
Water Cannon - Shoots water at targets to deal magic damage and push them back.

Розовый дельфин.png

It's said Dahuta, the Goddess of the Sea, created this species in a rare moment of tenderness, simply to enjoy their beauty. Others claim she utilizes their speed by harnessing them to her personal chariot.

The Fuchsiafin has the following skills:
Scan Ships - Displays all ships and drydocks within 100m for 10 seconds.
Dolphin Dash - Triggers a forward dash with powerful tailfin strokes. Increases Move Speed +50% for 10 seconds.
Produce Ultrasonic Waves - Sends ultrasonic waves forward.
Acrobatics - Utilizes the fins to launch a powerful leap. May trigger different tricks depending on the dolphins mood.
Speed: 7 m/s

Упакованный Синий дельфин.PNG

It's said Dahuta, the Goddess of the Sea, created this species in a rare moment of tenderness, simply to enjoy their beauty. Others claim she utilizes their speed by harnessing them to her personal chariot.

The Cyanfin has the following skills:
Scan Ships - Displays all ships and drydocks within 100m for 10 seconds.
Dolphin Dash - Triggers a forward dash with powerful tailfin strokes. Increases Move Speed +50% for 10 seconds.
Produce Ultrasonic Waves - Sends ultrasonic waves forward.
Acrobatics - Utilizes the fins to launch a powerful leap. May trigger different tricks depending on the dolphins mood.
Speed: 7 m/s

Tame Seabug

A spiked beetle is a big fan of turtles. He has funny short legs, increasing speed and uses his long antennas to quickly reach other players.

Run - Increases movement speed by 50%. Not available when driving a ship.
Bug Bounce - Reduces damage taken from falling by 50%. Can not be used while carrying a trade pack.
Breath Bubble - The sea beetle creates a air bubble, wrapping itself and the owner in it. The pet and the owner will be able to breath under water for 1 minute. Cooldown 2 minutes. Cannot be used in combat
Praise the waves - Makes the sea beetle sing a old song about its oceanic house.
Land Speed: 11 m/s
Speed in and under water: 8.5 m/s
This pet does not wear armor.​
collectors (1).png
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Starpoint
  • Honorable Victory Rank 5
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Book of Auroria
  • Tax Certificate
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Draught of Forgiveness
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Merit Badge
  • Specialization Snowflake Shard
  • Mornstone
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Labor Reward: 500
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Honor Boost Tonic
  • Loyalty Token 10-Pack
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • ArcheRage Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Freezing Soulscar
  • Gweonid Vine Giant

Freezing Soulscar
Ледяной призрачный тигр.png

Freezing Soulscar luminous elemental embodies the beauty and cunning for which all tigers are known.
It chooses only the wisest and most clever riders, guiding them in battle and protecting them from danger.

Gnaw - Sharpens mount's bite, dealing Physical Damage and additional damage. Triggers Vicious Bite if Invisible Predator is active. Vicious Bite deals Physical Damage and reduces a target's Move Speed.
4-Leg Lope - Increases Move Speed +50% for its duration. Triggers Careen if Invisible Predator is active. Careen drastically increases Move Speed, which then decreases gradually. Can't be used while carrying a trade packs.
Overwhelm - Charges into a distant target and inflicts Stun for its duration. Triggers Ambush if Invisible Predator is active. Ambush damages the charged enemy. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Dash - Lets the mount dash invincibly forward. Triggers Rip-Roaring if Invisible Predator is active. Rip-Roaring triggers a fast run and grants invincibility. Damages and pushes nearby enemies. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Invisible Predator - Stealths the mount and rider for 5 sec. Enhances certain other skills while active. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.

Gweonid Vine Giant
Гвинедарская Гигантская Лиана.png

An Elven mage of Gweonid, Hyrion, created this mount using the vines and branches of the massive Green Lord itself.

Boulder Toss
- Throw a huge rock toward an enemy in a long distance to inflict Ranged Damage.
Run! - ncreases Pet Move Speed +50% for 10 seconds. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Strangling Vines - Shoots vines 20m forward to drag up to three enemies towards the Vine Giant. Does not affect enemies under the Vine Obstruction debuff.
Wild Charge - harges at an enemy for 3 sec. Breaks through enemy lines and inflicts Knockback and Trip on reaching the enemy. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Force of Nature - Leaps to the target location, creating shockwaves on impact that bounce enemies in a 5m area. The effect is not applied on enemies under the Force of Nature debuff. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.​

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on July 6, 2022.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Royal Bloodraven Robes
Костюм Каор-Норда.png

Spotless Service Uniform

Classic Service Uniform

Nest Greenman mask

Windwraith Pipes

Tufted Pet Tower

Sheriff Corgi

Hereafter Cake Table

Black Yata Poster
В правой руке... Ятта....png

Dance with the Whale
Танец с китом.png
Demon archeum.png
from it you can obtain:
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Bound Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Tax Certificate
  • Cornucopia Crop
  • Mornstone
  • Decor Limit Increase
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Adventurer's Winged Elixir
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Merchants Coin
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Abbadon
  • Azazel


One of the most dangerous Hell demons, who came to replenish stocks of souls and have some fun...

Mesmerize - Inflicts sleep to the target for 2 seconds. Interrupts the target, cancelling all casted, channeled and ongoing skills.
Bloody Rage - Increases movement speed +10% for the pet and its owner for 10 seconds. Increases attack speed +15% for the pet and its owner for 10 seconds. Reduces cast time -15% for the pet and its owner for 10 seconds.
Demonic Pact - Inflicts a debuff which deals 1500 Magic Damage to the enemy over a duration of 7 seconds, healing the caster for 200% of inflicted damage. This debuff ends early if the caster stops channeling or the target moves far enough away from the caster.
Armageddon - Inflicts 1500-2200 Magic Damage to 7 enemies within the radius of the spell. Has a 50% chance of inflicting burn.
Soulshatter - The demon splits his dark soul into several parts, creating two illusions of itself. The illusions are summoned for 15 seconds and take 50% increased damage. When creating illusions, the demon swaps places, hiding among one of them and removes the target from itself.
Pet Passives:
Blood Contract - the demon made a blood contract and will forever follow its master, waiting for his immortal soul...
Increases pet max health +20%
Increases pet max mana +20%
Increases pet evasion +20%
Grants Demonic Gaze to its owner.
Demonic Gaze - Resilience +350, Movement speed +3%, Increases received healing +5%.


There is an opinion that demons are creatures of fire and only fire. This ancient demon will dispel all stereotypes…

Cool down! - The demon throws a ball of icy energy at the target. Turns the target into a block of ice for 1 second and imposes the Frostbite effect, reducing the targets movement speed by 15% for 5 seconds.
Forbidden Magic - Increases Physical Defense +15% for the pet and its owner for 10 seconds. Increases Magic Defense +15% for the pet and its owner for 10 seconds. Converts 10% of received damage into healing for the pet and its owner for 10 seconds.
Soul Absorption - Inflicts a debuff which deals 1500 Magic Damage to the enemy over 7 seconds, healing the caster for 100% of inflicted damage. Enemy speed is reduced by 10%. This debuff ends early if the caster stops channeling or if the target moves far enough away from the caster.
Ice Storm - Inflicts 1500-2200 Magic Damage to 7 enemies within the radius of the spell. Has a 50% chance to trigger the Frostbite debuff, reducing the enemies movement speed by 15%.
Soulshatter - The demon splits his dark soul into several parts, creating two illusions of itself. The illusions are summoned for 15 seconds and take 50% increased damage. When creating illusions, the demon swaps places, hiding along one of them and removes the target from itself.
Pet Passives:
Blood Contract - the demon made a blood contract and will forever follow its master, waiting for his immortal soul...
Increases pet max health +20%
Increases pet Magic Defense +700
Increases pet evasion +10%
Grants Demonic Gaze to its owner.
Demonic Gaze - Resilience +350, Movement speed +5%, Increases Block Rate +3%.​
Removed from the Loyalty Store:
  • Cyanfin
  • Snowbright Perinoor Cottons​

Added to Loyalty Store:
  • Carrot Wings​
  • Cheerberry Yata Costume​

Removed from Merit Store:
  • Icefall Dynasty Robes​
  • Sheepie​

Added to Merit Store:
  • Bloody Adorable Yata Pirate Costume​
  • Crater Cub​
CostumeDecoEN (1).png

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on July 13, 2022.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Winter Yata Costume
Зимний костюм ятты.png

Milkmaid Costume
Костюм птичницы.png

Sprout Greenman Mask
Маска лесовика в виде ростка.png

Detective Corgi

Уэльский Шериф-Корги.PNG

Dragons Breath Poster
Последняя из рода драконов.png

Soar Poster


Snuggly Plushie
Тряпичная Рудольфина.png

Guild Frame
Настенное панно в золоченой раме.png

Spooky Anywhere Warehouse
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