ArcheRage Store

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Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on July 17, 2024.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Jiang Shi Costume
Праздничный наряд из хазирского шелка.png

Crest Wooden Doll
Деревянная игрушка.png

White Night Kitsu

Image Item: Pure White Mask

Daru Streetlight
Фонарь «Птичье гнездо».png

Massive Neckerchief Yata Plushie
Гигантская тряпичная ятта-зайка.png

Cracking Wings Poster
Шорох Крыльев.png

Guardian of the Mistsong - Taris Poster
Хранитель садов - Иштар.png

Housepet: Scarlet Dreamwinder

Gilt Yaksa Statue
Золоченая фигурка «Утукку».png

from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Phoenix Phish
  • Deathmaw
  • Pearl Aquafarm

Phoenix Phish
Золотая рыбка.png

Water mount. 9 m/s base speed

Goldfish Dash - Triggers a forward dash with powerful tailfin strokes. Increases Move Speed +50% for 10 seconds.
Acrobatics - Utilizes the fins to launch a powerful leap. May trigger different tricks depending on the goldfish's mood.
Breath Bubble - The Phoenix Phish releases some air and makes its rider be able to breath under water.
Sharp Dive - The Phoenix Phish releases air and dashes into the depths.

Pearl Aquafarm
Упакованный чертеж подводная ферма Жемчужный сад.png

Creates a Pearl Aquafarm in an Aquafarm Province.
Dimensions: 24m x 24m

Features Activated upon Completion:
- Apparatus: Refills your breath if it starts to run out.
- Pearl Lamp: Lights your surroundings.


With his sharp teeth, strong jaw and ability to perfectly camouflage himself, Deathmaw is known to be one of the deadliest creatures to inhabit the Hellswamp.
Its riders are some of the bravest daredevils in Erenor.

Run! - Increases Move Speed +50% for 10 sec. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Deadly Bite - Lets the crocodile bite hard into his enemy, dealing Physical Damage and an additional Damage over 14 sec. Deals additional Physical Damage and Stuns the target for 3 seconds, if Ambush is active. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Tail Thrash - Deals Physical Damage and pushes the target 5m away. Deals Siege Damage on ships and vehicles. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Breakthrough - Charges forward for 3 sec, breaking through enemy lines. Inflicts Knockback and Trip on affected enemies. This skill counts as a Push effect. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Ambush - Stealths both mount and rider for 1 min. Decreases Move Speed -50%. Stealth ends if you attack or are attacked. Can't be used in combat.​
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Blobby
  • Akrabe


The Eokad believe that these small water elementals are guardians sent by the Green Lord.

Bubble Shield - Creates a bubble around the owner that absorbs up to 20.000 Damage for 5 seconds. Using other skills while the shield is active will cancel this effect. This buff can't be used if ''Dried Up'' is active.
This pet is a powerstone pet, it will always stay close to its owner and is invulnerable to any damage.


A scout machine designed to examine the underwater ecology of Faetangle in preparation for establishing Fainvale.
It came alive when the soul of a fairy that died in the Faetangle fire bonded with it, and this phenomenon came to be called "Machine Anima."

Akrabe's Mana - Instantly restores up to 15% of Max Mana for the owner if thy are below 20% Max Mana. Can't be received while under the effects of Cooling Off.

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on July 24, 2024.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Careless Whisper Raiment
Танец черного лебедя.png

Final Whisper Raiment
Танец белого лебедя.png

Wonderland Costume

Elegant Two-Tone Mask

Painted Yaksa Statue
Розовая фигурка «Утукку».png

Housepet: Conker's Cube
Домашний питомец Квадрум.png

The Green Lion Poster
Изумрудный лев.png

Doorway to Phoenicia Poster
Дверь в Феникию.png

Large Everbloom Cherry Tree
Маленькое вишневое деревце в кадке.png

Immovable Hammock

from it you can obtain:
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Adventurous Whisper
  • Cornucopia Crop
  • Mornstone
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Tax Certificate
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Healer's Chalice
  • ArcheRage Favor's Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Cumulus Magithopter
  • Magic Carpet Magithopter

Cumulus Magithopter

According to legend, the Narayana hero Markata rode a cloud like this on his adventures. It is said he was a mighty warrior, defeating even the great god Loka in a battle for control of the hidden city of Hal Hahpa.

Special Skill: Breeze On By

Cloud Leap - Glider instantly soars up into the sky. Cooldown 30 seconds.
Cloud Breakthrough - The glider teleport 15 meters ahead. This skill can be used 2 times in a row, there is also a 50% chance of using it a third time. Cooldown 45 seconds.

Magic Carpet Magithopter


Magic Carpet Leap - Instantly launches the carpet upward.
Untargetable - Unable to be targeted by enemies for 5 sec.​
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Multipurpose Workbench
  • Merchant's Costume: Fishing
  • Merchant's Costume: Trade
  • Merchant's Costume: Basic

Multipurpose Workbench

Merchant's Costume: Fishing, Trade, Basic
Merchant Costume. Basic.png
Merchant Costume. FIshing.png
Merchant Costume. Trade.png

  • Removed from the Loyalty Store:
    • Hellhound
    • Cheerberry Yata Costume

  • Added to Loyalty Store:
    • Purestar Ball Attire
    • Mirage Bjorne

  • Removed from Merit Store:
    • Midnight Perinoor Silks
    • Racing Zebra

  • Added to Merit Store:
    • Ravenclaw School Uniform
    • Steel Lightning

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on July 31, 2024.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Midnight Perinoor Silks

Ципао тьмы.png

Crimson Perinoor Silks

Alabaster Perinoor Silks
Alabaster Perinoor Silks.png

Ornate Golden Mask

Gilt Treant Statue
Золоченая фигурка «Хранитель леса».png

Housepet: Black Fledgling Phoneix
Домашний питомец Черный феникс.png

Zen Poster

Ghost Ship Poster

Crest Large Owl Plushie
Большая игрушечная сова.png

Crest Fish Kite
Декоративный флюгер.png

Dawnleaf Planter
Клумба со златолистом.png

from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Wrapped Mooneer's SummonStone
  • Wrapped Iceneer's SummonStone
  • Wrapped Igneer's SummonStone

Камень Игнира.png


Gallop - Increases movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds. Not available when carrying a trade pack.
Forest Anger - The elk jumps forward and stuns your target.
Fire Arrow - Deals 500% of damaged from ranged attack power. Will put a 'burning' debuff on the target.
Like a flash - The Elk of the ancient forest is not afraid of anything. Allows you to make a quick leap forward granting immunity. Cannot be used when carrying a trade pack.
Phantom Arden Illusion - Will hide both the rider and the mount itself in stealth for 45 seconds, not canceled by movement but cannot be used in combat. Cannot be used while carrying a trade pack.

Base Speed: 11.8 m/s.

Камень Анира.png


Gallop - Increases movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds. Not available when carrying a trade pack.
Forest Anger - The elk jumps forward and stuns your target.
Freezing Arrow - Fires a freezing arrow dealing Physical Damage equal to 300% of ranged attack. Reduces move speed up to -40% for 4 seconds, move speed will regenerate over time.
Like a flash - The Elk of the ancient forest is not afraid of anything. Allows you to make a quick leap forward granting immunity. Cannot be used when carrying a trade pack.
Phantom Arden Illusion - Will hide both the rider and the mount itself in stealth for 45 seconds, not canceled by movement but cannot be used in combat. Cannot be used while carrying a trade pack.

Base Speed: 11.8 m/s.

Камень Лунира.png


Gallop- Increases movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds. Not available when carrying a trade pack.
Forest Anger - The elk jumps forward and stuns your target.
Electric Arrow - Deals 500% of damaged from ranged attack power. Will put a ''shock'' debuff on your target.
Like a flash - The Elk of the ancient forest is not afraid of anything. Allows you to make a quick leap forward granting immunity. Cannot be used when carrying a trade pack.
Phantom Arden Illusion - Will hide both the rider and the mount itself in stealth for 45 seconds, not canceled by movement but cannot be used in combat. Cannot be used while carrying a trade pack.

Base Speed: 11.8 m/s.​
from it you can obtain:
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Adventurous Whisper
  • Cornucopia Crop
  • Mornstone
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Tax Certificate
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Healer's Chalice
  • ArcheRage Favor's Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Wrapped Oskmir
  • Wrapped Moon Owl's Golden Bell
  • Wrapped Chadwick the Bold

Грюм Белогрив.png

For centuries, Oskmir and his kin have been hiding in the safety of a frozen mountain, but the evergrowing threat of the Abyssal Legion eventually reached their home.
Though they successfully fought off the intruders by calling down avalanches, Oskmir decided to venture out and meet the enemy head on.

Frozen Knuckle - Deals X Physical Damage to a target.
Charge! - Charges at a target, Inflicting trip for 2 seconds.
Going Berserk - Oskmir's blood begins to boil, as he prepares himself for combat, increasing his Attack Speed and Melee Attack +50% for 10 seconds. Also increases his received damage +50%.
Call Avalanche - A powerful roar, that causes an avalanche for 4 seconds, in a 3 meter radius around Oskmir. The avalanche inflicts Physical Damage to up to 8 enemies and decreases their Move Speed -10% and attack speed 50. This effect can stack up to 4 times.
Health Regen - Restores Oskmir's Health.

Chadwick the Bold
Хомелия Эрхарт.png

Chadwick the Bold selflessly defended a bumper crop of Solzreed strawberries from a hostile insect swarm.
He was recognized by Morein, curator of the Bluesalt Brotherhood, and received the Crown Sunflower to display his galantry.

Pep Up - Increases the Hamster's PvE Skill Damage+100% for 10 seconds.
How Cute! - Inflicts Fear on the target for 2 seconds.
Spin - Throws a sunflower seed that deals Ranged Damage and trips the target for 2 sec.
Highway to Health - Restores pet's health.

Moon Owl's Golden Bell
Золотой колокольчик Лунной совы.png

Once upon a time, a magic bell that could only be possesed by the great leaders of the Firran clan, existed. They would not use the bell unless it was for a great emergency. The sound of the bell used by the Firran Shamans would lure out the Moon Owl. It's power was so great, that even the leaders were scared to summon it...

Gaze - Taunts an enemy to turn its face to you.
Owl's trick - Casts Owl's trick on a target for 4 sec and decrease enemy's Attack and Move speed. Dealing 1400 Magic Damage.
Revenge - Grants the Energy Shield buff to caster. Energy Shield decreases Physical and Magic Damage -50% for 3 sec.
Owl's scream - Increases Critical Rate +20% for 10 sec.
Welling Health - Restores pet's health 4500 over 10s.​

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on August 7, 2024.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Sports T Shirt + Baseball Cap
Красная футболка болельщика_Красная Бейсболка.png

Sassy Cheer Uniform + Sport Baseball Cap
Спортивная футболка_Спортивная бейсболка.png

Sassy Cheer Uniform (White)
Футболка болельщика.png

Painted Treant Statue
Розовая фигурка «Хранитель леса».png

Housepet: Butterfly
Домашний питомец Пурпурная морфида.png

Gene Plushie
Статуэтка «Джин Эвернайт».png

Lantern Streetlight Door
Бамбуковый нарэльим.PNG

Oversize Steamgoggle Daru Plushie
Большой тряпичный дару.png

Horsing Around Poster
Валять дурака.png

Dwarven Flower Merchant Poster
Dwarven Flower Merchant Poster.png
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Merchants Favor
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Scroll: Glart


The Strada has been downsized into this single-person vehicle. Trade Pack can be loaded on both sides. Better suited for speedy transportation between cities rather than continents.
Summons a vehicle or dismisses it back to the otherworld.
Restore using 40 handfuls of Shatigon's Sand if destroyed.

2-wheel Drive; 72 Horsepower
Storage: 2 Packs​
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Merchants Favor
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Wings of Terror
  • Wings of Immortality
  • Wings of Protection
  • Wings of Revenge


Wings of Immortality
Guardian Angel - Grants immortality and for 3 sec, each received attack triggers Divinity. Divinity restores the caster's Health +1000 per hit. The effect can be triggered up to 10 times and disappears after the duration.

Wings of Terror
Wrathful Landing - Charges to a target location and Fears all enemies within a 4m radius for 2 seconds.

Wings of Protection
Protective Seal - Charges to a target location and grants a Protective Seal that absorbs 8000 Damage to allies within a 6m radius.

Wings of Revenge
Flame Veil - Reflects 200% of received Ranged and Magic Damage for 3 seconds.​
  • Removed from the Loyalty Store:
    • Lavaspark
    • Angelic Whisper Costume

  • Added to Loyalty Store:
    • Dazzling Ball Attire
    • Carrot Wings

  • Removed from Merit Store:
    • Hufflepuff Costume
    • Tamed Twinhead Viper

  • Added to Merit Store:
    • Dairy Farmer Costume
    • Royal Griffin

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on August 7, 2024.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Arasha Nomad Costume
Костюм кочевника Тяндана.png

Spotless Shore Leave Outfit
Белый молодежный матросский костюм.png

Rowdy Shore Leave Outfit
Синий молодежный матросский костюм.png

Shining Shore Leave Outfit
Желтый молодежный матросский костюм.png

Morpheus Globe
Магический шар «Сентиментальный пират».png

Housepet: Forest Fairy
Домашний питомец Фиона Розовый Лепесток.png

A fantastic Discovery Poster
A Fantastic Discovery' Poster.png

Morning in Hasla Poster
Morning in Hasla Poster.png

Dreamy Plushie Table
Столик с куклами.png

Topiary Flowerbed
Комнатное сердце-древо.png

Bard Music Box
Музыкальная шкатулка «Менестрель».png


from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Merchants Favor
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Kindled Spirit
  • Dance: Tipsy

Kindled Spirit

While most victims of the Demon War have long since passed into the peace of the Hereafter, some return each year during the Hallowtide festival to play amongst the jack-o'-lanterns and collect candy from unsuspecting houses. Known as Kindled Spirits, these mischievous little ghosts are largely harmless--but ask any Two Crowns local, and they'll tell you: only a fool hurts a child on Hallowtide night.

Specter Spectacular - Increases owners Attack and Healing Power +10% for 9 seconds. This buff cannot be used if ''All Spooked Out'' is active.
''All Spooked Out'' will activate once you have used ''Specter Spectacular'' and therefor place the skill on an cooldown.

The Kindled Spirit comes with its own Powerstone:
Ghost Soulshard - Increases owners Attack Speed +35.
This pet is a Powerstone pet.
Which means it cannot be targeted, killed or stunned. The powerstone pet will always be in the owners range.
from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Merchants Favor
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Freezing Soulscar
  • Flaming Soulscar
  • Kamari
  • Shayeera
  • Rajani

Freezing Soulscar
Ледяной призрачный тигр.png

Freezing Soulscar luminous elemental embodies the beauty and cunning for which all tigers are known.
It chooses only the wisest and most clever riders, guiding them in battle and protecting them from danger.

Gnaw - Sharpens mount's bite, dealing Physical Damage and additional damage. Triggers Vicious Bite if Invisible Predator is active. Vicious Bite deals Physical Damage and reduces a target's Move Speed.
4-Leg Lope - Increases Move Speed +50% for its duration. Triggers Careen if Invisible Predator is active. Careen drastically increases Move Speed, which then decreases gradually. Can't be used while carrying a trade packs.
Overwhelm - Charges into a distant target and inflicts Stun for its duration. Triggers Ambush if Invisible Predator is active. Ambush damages the charged enemy. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Dash - Lets the mount dash invincibly forward. Triggers Rip-Roaring if Invisible Predator is active. Rip-Roaring triggers a fast run and grants invincibility. Damages and pushes nearby enemies. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Invisible Predator - Stealths the mount and rider for 5 sec. Enhances certain other skills while active. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.

Flaming Soulscar
Огнепалый тигр.png

This elemental tiger embodies the rage and destruction that dwells within its kind. It appears only to those who match its fury, carrying them into battle in a burst of fire and glory.
Speed: 11.5 m/s

Gnaw - Sharpens mount's bite, dealing Physical Damage and additional damage. Triggers Vicious Bite if Invisible Predator is active. Vicious Bite deals Physical Damage and reduces a target's Move Speed.
4-Leg Lope - Increases Move Speed +50% for its duration. Triggers Careen if Invisible Predator is active. Careen drastically increases Move Speed, which then decreases gradually.
Overwhelm - Charges into a distant target and inflicts Stun for its duration. Triggers Ambush if Invisible Predator is active.
Dash - Lets the mount dash invincibly forward. Triggers Rip-Roaring if Invisible Predator is active. Rip-Roaring triggers a fast run and grants invincibility. Damages and pushes nearby enemies.
Invisible Predator - Stealths the mount and rider for 5 sec. Enhances certain other skills while active. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.

Kamari, Shayeera & Rajani



Gnaw - Sharpens mount's bite, dealing Physical Damage and additional damage. Triggers Vicious Bite if Invisible Predator is active.
Vicious Bite deals Physical Damage and reduces a target's Move Speed.
4-Leg Lope - Increases Move Speed +50% for its duration. Triggers Careen if Invisible Predator is active.
Careen drastically increases Move Speed, which then decreases gradually. Can't be used while carrying a trade packs.
Overwhelm - Charges into a distant target and inflicts Stun for its duration. Triggers Ambush if Invisible Predator is active.
Ambush damages the charged enemy. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Dash - Lets the mount dash invincibly forward. Triggers Rip-Roaring if Invisible Predator is active. Rip-Roaring triggers a fast run and grants invincibility.
Damages and pushes nearby enemies. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.
Invisible Predator - Stealths the mount and rider for 5 sec. Enhances certain other skills while active. Can't be used while carrying a trade pack.

Can only be equipped with special tiger armor.
Speed 11.5​

Dear players, new decorations will be added to the game on August 21, 2024.
Items will stay on sale for the duration of 7 days~

Passionate Costume

Blue Wolves' Uniform
Дух синего волка.PNG

Charming Figurine


Sus Worker Mask: Manager

Summer Globe
Магический шар «Летний полдень».png

Housepet: Blobby
Домашний питомец Капелюш.png

Jiangshi Poster

Culture Clash Poster
Столкновение культур.png

Небесная история.png

Oversize Home Sweet Home Plushie
Большой плюшевый домик.png

Orchidna Plushie
Статуэтка «Орхидна».png

from it you can obtain:
  • Wild Ginseng
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Tax Certificate
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Superior Worker's Compensation: 500 LP
  • Greedy Goblin Gummies
  • Master Chocolatier's Pumpkin
  • Lucid Synthium Shard
  • Machine Component Regrade Scroll
  • Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
  • Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
  • Lucky Sunpoint
  • Lucky Moonpoint
  • Lucky Starpoint
  • Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm
  • Wrapped Fusion Alembic
  • Wrapped Gender Swap Certificate
  • Wrapped Salon Certificate
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Fishing Pond
  • Merit Badge
  • Mornstone
  • Wrapped Saving Pendant
  • Sage Taffy
  • Angel Wing Elixir
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Vocation Expertise Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Wrapped Synthium Soap
  • 500 Vocation Badge Boost
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Merchants Favor
  • ArcheRage's Favor Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Glider Companion: Sloth
  • Glider Companion: Squirrel
  • Glider Companion: Panda

Glider Companion: Sloth

Most people are in the habit of ignoring sloths. They move so slowly, people get bored. They miss out on the secret life of sloths. They don't realize that the average sloth contains more magic in its shaggy body than a unicorn. They don't realize that given the right partner, sloths can fly.
Flight Speed: High
Gliding Ability: High
Turning Speed: Moderate
Launch Height: Moderate

Special Skill: Backward Roll
**Special Note: Press S or the down arrow to descend straight downward.

Glider Companion: Squirrel
Глайдер Белка-летяга.png

Famously reclusive, the flying squirrels of Silent Forest are rarely spotted in the wild. Even when trained, they prefer to spend most of their time peeking out from their custom acorn carrying packs, emerging only when their owner has need of them.
Flight Speed: High
Gliding Ability: High
Turning Speed: Moderate
Launch Height: Moderate

Special Skill: Focused Glide, Acorn Bomb

Glider Companion: Panda

These rare creatures are incredibly shy, and feel safest when hugging a sturdy tree or brawny adventurer! They inherited the ability to fly from ancestors who confused Glowing Prisms with bamboo.
Flight Speed: High
Gliding Ability: High
Turning Speed: Moderate
Launch Height: Moderate

Special Skill: Forward Ho!, Teleportation​
from it you can obtain:
  • Superior Glow Lunarite
  • Sunpoint
  • Moonpoint
  • Starpoint
  • Sunlight Archeum Crystal
  • Moonlight Archeum Crystal
  • Starlight Archeum Crystal
  • Sunlight Archeum Essence
  • Moonlight Archeum Essence
  • Starlight Archeum Essence
  • Lucky Sunpoint Shard
  • Lucky Moonpoint Shard
  • Lucky Starpoint Shard
  • Blue Regrade Charm
  • Green Regrade Charm
  • Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Red Regrade Charm
  • Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
  • Duun's Blessing
  • Vocation Hastener Scroll
  • Judge's Longing
  • Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
  • Clear Synthium Shard
  • Adventurous Whisper
  • Cornucopia Crop
  • Mornstone
  • Blue Salt Manual
  • Tiny Treasure Taffy
  • Migration Scale
  • Crystal Honorable Potion
  • Diligent Worker's Scroll
  • Solar Temper Pack
  • Lesser Tempering Crystal Pack
  • Lunar Temper Pack
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone
  • Tax Certificate
  • Wrapped Serendipity Stone Shard
  • Healer's Chalice
  • ArcheRage Favor's Coin
  • Celestial Weapon Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Armor Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Celestial Accessory Anchoring Charm: 2x
  • Guarded Storage Chest
  • Red Larva Chair
  • Any-Post Yellow Larva
  • Yellow Larva Bed
  • Yellow Larva Figurehead
  • Red Larva Figurehead
  • Collection Breather

Yellow Larva Figurehead
Носовая фигура «Желтая гусеница».png

Red Larva Figurehead
Носовая фигура «Красная гусеница».png

Collection Breather
Палубное оборудование для погружений.png
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