Server Update July 3, 2024


Команда форума
EN-CH Moderator

The server is down for its scheduled maintenance on July 3 2024 at 00:00 CEST (01:00MSK).
The estimated down time will be: 40minutes

  • Disabled the new setting that allowed you to hide your character.
  • You can now receive the quest "Weave No Man Behind" from the Mistmerrow Community Center.
  • Returned the possibility to solo entry Mistsong Summit.
  • Made some localization changes to the story quest chapter 103.
  • You can now equip the Auto-Loot Battle Pet Orb to the Little White Rabbit Battle pet.
  • Fixed the quest chapter 32.
  • The number of Migration scales required for Stat Migration will now be the same as in version 8.0.
  • Fixed the display name of Mistmerrow in the Teleport Book.
  • Fixed the spawns of Meina, Glenn and Jola.
  • A new button added will make replanting plants easier. You can now harvest and replant the same bundles with just one click.
  • Cherry Blossom, Flaming, Glaring Eyes and Meow-paw Teleport scrolls are now affected by the Travelers Blessing.

Updated Game Store [Click]

The Team of ArcheRage wishes everyone a good day.