Increase racial skill and Drawf and Warborn transform

Want increase racial and transform buffs?

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New Member

I want talk about racial skills and transforms, well, really I want propose increase the efects.
I consider the racial skills and transforms are pretty usless for all, and transforms are even more useless with a certain GS score, i want ask and propose to the team, if is posible boost them.

Transformations are already strong. For instance the invincibility skill when you cannot be killed but still can do damage. It wont be fair to boost transformations because high gearscore players spent a lot to get their gear. I don't think you can make a compelling case that someone without gear should be able to match 6k+ players just because they used racial skill. You already get a lot of stats boosted even if you don't have gear at all anyways.
I came across a veteran that told me that he applied for an increase of benefits and the VA incresed his benefits without a physical evaluation. Is that BS or can it be true?
Someone can put or translate this on russian? English section are.... empety


I want talk about racial skills and transforms, well, really I want propose increase the efects.
I consider the racial skills and transforms are pretty usless for all, and transforms are even more useless with a certain GS score, i want ask and propose to the team, if is posible boost them.


Я хотел обсудить расовые скиллы и трансформы, ну и, на самом деле я хочу предложить усилить их эффекты.
Я считаю расовые скиллы и трансформы достаточно бесполезными, а трансформы еще более бесполезны с ростом ГСа, и я хочу спросить и предложить админам усилить их, если это возможно.

I came across a veteran that told me that he applied for an increase of benefits and the VA incresed his benefits without a physical evaluation. Is that BS or can it be true?

what do you mean with VA?
Also, depending which benefits you are talking about, if there are any class/race changes it will always be on the patch notes. no player on this server will get any benefit increased if its not a general change for anyone.
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