(Poll) 9.0 Boss Timers Change

Which of the following boss times do you think is the most fair and suitable for all players?

  • Option 1

  • Option 2

  • Option 3

  • Option 4

  • Option 5

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Active Member
Hello folks,

Kusanagi asked me to create a poll for the boss timers and mentioned that they may change in the coming days based on the votes. Therefore, I am creating this forum thread. You can vote for one of the five options listed above or if you prefer the current timers, you can choose the fifth option.

Here's a brief explanation about the abbreviations:

  • MSK - Moscow Time Zone (Permanently on standard/winter time)
  • CST - China Standard Time Zone (Permanently on standard time) (Beijing GMT +8)
  • CET - Central European Time Zone (Changes between winter and summer time)
  • WET - Western European Time Zone (Changes between winter and summer time)
  • KRK - Kraken / Кракен
  • BD - Black Dragon / Ксанатос
  • Chary - Charybdis / Калидис
  • Ganth - Garden Anthalon / Анталлон в садах матери
  • Halcy - Halcyona / Даскшир
  • Hasla - Hasla / Хазира

Red - Central European Time Zone
Orange - China Standard Time Zone
Blue - Western European Time Zone
Green - Moscow Time Zone

This thread aims to facilitate discussions among all players to find the most fair time zone. The server is an EU server, but considering the presence of Chinese players, an option has also been included for their participation. The goal is to ensure that, for example, players in Ireland or Portugal can fairly participate in events alongside players in St. Petersburg or Beijing.
Considering past patches as examples, such as the player nation patch (The Heaven vs. Just Quality), having boss timers set to 2 hours helps keep PvP active and sustains the presence of content in the game.

If we vote the fifth option, which is the current timers, it seems impossible for players from Central European countries like Germany and Western European countries like Ireland to participate in Kraken events. This is because Russia permanently applies standard time, meaning that for a player connecting from the United Kingdom or Ireland, it results in an event being 3 hours (in winter time) earlier. For players connecting from Germany or the Netherlands, it's 2 hours (in winter time) earlier. This sets the Kraken event times at 16:30 for Central European countries (like the Netherlands, France and Germany) and 15:30 for countries like the United Kingdom, Ireland and Portugal. The Sunday morning Kraken would be at 8:30 and 7:30, respectively. People are likely to be working at these times except Sundays, which will reduce participation in PvP.

Option 1 :

Option 2 :


Option 3 :


Option 4:


Option 5:

Leave it as it is stated in 9.0 Patch Notes

In the future, we can reduce boss timers to 1h 30 minutes instead of 2 hours after Battle of Mistmerrow Instance is released and add that instance after the boss despawns so the day pretty much starts with halcy, bosses and then ends up with Mistmerrow. (This can be discussed later whenever it is released)

The voting will remain open for two weeks. If there is a request from the administration or if the discussion extends, it may be extended.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic and I believe that together with the administration, we can make the server even better.
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