Дом на серебристой березе

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Form & Function
If you purchase one of the Merit Badge treehouses, your new home will come with more than just a gorgeous style and sky-high view! You’ll be able to retrieve two types of materials directly from tree branches: Orchard Puree and Thunderstruck Logs. The Thunderstruck Logs that you receive from the house are the same type that you would receive from a Thunderstruck Tree, and multiple branches on your new home have the chance to become Thunderstruck!

All treehouses come with a generous spanse of planting space, ready for your personal projects, whatever they may be. We’re sure you’ll put this to good use!

И из всех домов,именно дом на серебристой березе не имеет возможности обработке ветвей и прока искрях.
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