The server is down for its scheduled maintenance on December 10, 2024 at 23:00 CET (01:00MSK).
The estimated down time will be: 40minutes
Shop updated [CLICK]
List of changes:
- Fixed cooldown for X2Player:ChangeAppellation and X2Bag:EquipBagItem.
- Fixed info for X2Bag:GetBagItemInfo.
- Additionally enabled functions of X2Player:
- GetUnitAppellationRouteList()
- GetAppellationCount()
- GetAppellations(routeFilter, pageIndex)
- GetAppellationsCount(routeFilter)
- GetShowingAppellation()
- GetEffectAppellation()
- GetAppellationMyLevelInfo()
- GetAppellationBuffInfoByLevels()
- GetAppellationRouteInfo(type)
- GetAppellationStampInfo()
- GetAppellationMyStamp()
- GetAppellationChangeItemInfo()
- GetStampChangeItemInfo()
The Team of ArcheRage wishes everyone a good day.