Hello my Russian brothers and sisters!

I've been trying to find an english language pack for the russian 2.9 client and I can't seem to find anything current. If anyone out there is able to help I'd appreciate it big time!
Admins said that they could work on a English patch (may take up to 1-2 months) but for that the English community needs to be higher because let's be honest, 1-2 months of work for 10 people ? naaah )
Admins said that they could work on a English patch (may take up to 1-2 months) but for that the English community needs to be higher because let's be honest, 1-2 months of work for 10 people ? naaah )
If only there was a way to modify the one already floating around to work with 2.9 lol. I definitely understand though no worries, I am still going to try and get some more people to play here. Server runs nice and smooth, already a good bit of activity from what I seen in faction chat. Should be fun times ahead :D