A few suggestions

English search function for the Auction House?

  • Yes

    Голосов: 9 90,0%
  • No

    Голосов: 1 10,0%

  • Всего проголосовало


New Member
Just a few suggestions

1. English search option for the Auction house? Yes - No
2.Undo the normalization that Trion put in place on gliders, mounts, ships, etc.? Yes - No
3. Add a Guild Name Change scroll? Yes - No
4. Add an English Forum? Yes - No
Hey. What the "normalization" from Trion means? I mean, what they change exactly? And yeah, you already can change the guild name by the admins. 2k diamonds cost for it.
Последнее редактирование:
Just a few suggestions

1. English search option for the Auction house? Yes - No
2.Undo the normalization that Trion put in place on gliders, mounts, ships, etc.? Yes - No
3. Add a Guild Name Change scroll? Yes - No
4. Add an English Forum? Yes - No

Yo regarding the auction house - i'm updating that Doc file that the leader of Infamous gave me.
Just copy paste from it.
Will try to add some more today.
Tutorial : How to search the auction house without speaking russian

Step 1 : Go to http://archeagedatabase.net/us/

Step 2 : Search your item, and go on its page.

Step 3 : Change the language to russian (top right)

Step 4 : Copy/paste the russian name and you're done
nice guide)
We wont add EN search to auction at the nearest future. We have many other important tasks.
Just a few suggestions

1. English search option for the Auction house? Yes - No
2.Undo the normalization that Trion put in place on gliders, mounts, ships, etc.? Yes - No
3. Add a Guild Name Change scroll? Yes - No
4. Add an English Forum? Yes - No
1. no
2. for example? gime more information
3. no, this item doesn't exist in current game version.
4. no
1. no
2. for example? gime more information
3. no, this item doesn't exist in current game version.
4. no

2. For example, world boss items like mounts/gliders were nerfed to have the same speed as the normal gliders or mounts. Growling Yawl was nerfed to be more like the Gilda Galleon. If you're getting these special items and you use your time and effort it should be for something that's worth while.
And why can't you post EN topics in main forum? Like this topic.
Well, having a few english topics mixed in with all the russian ones doesn't make it very readable for english players since there aren't many topics; and category names being russian isn't really helpful either
English speaking players would go on the forum more if the forum was easier to use for them. When you only see russian categories, you feel like you don't have a place to speak. Adding just one "International" category would help the non-russian players find each other and organize.
Soren, I appreciate the fact that you're reading this, so I'd like some info on the rules of the server.

As the rules are in russian, translator do mistakes, and I'd like to know more about rule 10 :

The rule says that third party software isn't allowed, and that software to run the game in multiple windows is not allowed, but does it mean we can't have alts and play with multiple accounts? (Without using software)

For example, having two character follow each other for tradepacks

thanks for the information
Soren, I appreciate the fact that you're reading this, so I'd like some info on the rules of the server.

As the rules are in russian, translator do mistakes, and I'd like to know more about rule 10 :

The rule says that third party software isn't allowed, and that software to run the game in multiple windows is not allowed, but does it mean we can't have alts and play with multiple accounts? (Without using software)

For example, having two character follow each other for tradepacks

thanks for the information
Not allowed to use soft to open more than 1 game client, and u shouldnt make more than 1 account for use its also not allowed there.