Недавний контент rambopava

  1. rambopava

    [Patch] Kraken Ink Sac

    Same as all item drops from whatever boss be it kraken, dragon or even jola and hanure. Items are rarely sold outside of nation it works like this in here and just quality and would work like that in any other nation regardless. Making this special item drop for more people to show up is just a...
  2. rambopava

    [Регистрация участников] "Само совершенство"

    1. Jenna 2. 3. Looks can kill [Application approved. Contestant number 22.]
  3. rambopava

    Фракция The Heaven

    nice kraken and dragon.
  4. rambopava

    Фракция The Heaven

    The moment someone is so incredibly jealous because has lead for over a year and achieves absolutely nothing with a nation. And when gets rid of it the players start playing and raiding again. You got greedy about loot and now you got fucked. Face it you were the worst thing that ever happend to...
  5. rambopava

    Норм. Голосование за кряку

    that is how it worked in official servers anyway. and in my opinion it should be here as well. it limits time people have to gather and go kill something and avoids free farm either way. it forces the conflict instead of only trying to interrupt and make others get out of time (because of real life)
  6. rambopava

    A Costume Suggestion

    Hello boys and girls. I have a suggestion for a new costume to be added in our shop and i asked Nui for it, and she asked me to make a thread to see if there were more people that would want it, because it already exists in the NA version of the client. EDIT: In Na server this costume works in...
  7. rambopava

    Эфенское оружие

    Bigboss babe it's Jenna :* Here you can see it with your first post. What I fail to understand is what people like jarvis are still doing in here after they purchased at least two accounts and olay with them everyday.
  8. rambopava

    Эфенские руны

    This buff on crafted flame sets if it works in those, is gonna make any 5k dr one shot any shieldless target up to 8k gs easily with an epic weapon
  9. rambopava

    Коротко о системе осад на нашем сервере

    Мне приходили письма об участии в осадах (мол вы можете выкупить осаду...) много раз во времена пиратствования, например 09-08-2018, и у меня есть доказательства этого. Более того мы связывались с администрацией и спрашивали можем ли мы осаждать замок https://imgur.com/a/zCFdqS7
  10. rambopava

    Коротко о системе осад на нашем сервере

    Есть еще одна проблема, когда кто-то пытается или пытался построить замок, подобный тому, который сейчас есть у No Offence. Например, у Black Star, был хороший и развитый замок, который давал им немного больше преимуществ на востоке, позволяя им рекрутить больше игроков и повышая их мораль...
  11. rambopava

    Опрос для модников

    Personally I think that if something like this becomes available needs to be extremely expensive, this may not seem like it but its a big credit sink. 10-15k credits for a lifetime plastic surgery? I guess it's fair.
  12. rambopava

    3.5 Эфенская экипировка

    well sure but 1 its messy af and 2 people aparently still always asking about it, so they clearly are commenting with an "opinion" without knowing the correct information about the topic, and thats another of the reasons why these topics are useless. Because many if not half of the people that...
  13. rambopava

    3.5 Эфенская экипировка

    Since that none of you seem to understand that all obsidian weapons with the exception of Mistsong weapons will be buffed in damage/defense (for shields) Ill leave you here the correct numbers for damage on all grades for erenor/obsidian/gardens weapons...
  14. rambopava

    3.5 Эфенская экипировка

    No, because its price heavy, if you want to have high gearscore you need to invest, this is the ultimate goal for a high gearscore player and a goal to look forward for the average player that knows how to play here and has the basic idea of what progression is. We are talking about a 190k gold...
  15. rambopava

    Осада Гильдия Black Star & COITUS INTERRUPTUS 18.11.2018 Сальфимар

    Forgot to quote Anticman ) my bad