
Why You Need to Adhere to a Certain Structure When Writing Dissertations

In this element of the dissertation structure, information is given about the relevance of the topic, the goals and objectives of the work, the object and subject of the study, the degree of coverage of the topic, indicate the scientific novelty of the research conducted by the pay someone to write my paper author, the practical significance and approbation of the results of the work. The volume of this part is 10-15 pages.

  • Main text
Forming the internal structure of the dissertation, they strive for consistency and consistency of presentation. To achieve this, the main text is divided into chapters. In candidate dissertations, 2-4 chapters are most often distinguished, and in doctoral dissertations, 4-7 chapters. The volume of each of the chapters, according to the rules for the dissertation, is 40-50 pages. Chapters are divided into paragraphs of 10-15 pages each.

  • Conclusion
Contains conclusions from the results of the study and recommendations. Includes 5-10 pages.

  • Bibliography
According to the requirements, when writing a candidate's dissertation, at least 50 sources should be used, for a doctoral dissertation - 100 or more.

  • Applications
Turn on if necessary.

In addition to writing a dissertation, scientific publications, an abstract, a report and reviews are required

  • Abstract, usually a statement of the basic provisions of the buy reports online dissertation (relevance, goals, etc.), the content of the work, conclusions and recommendations, as well as a list of the author's publications.
  • Scientific publications 2-5 articles for Ph.D. dissertations and from 15 articles for doctoral dissertations.
  • Abstracts and reports provided by the author in the process of working on the study as a report on his activities.
  • Report on pre-defense and protection with slides and illustrations. The report should be designed for 15-20 minutes. They make one report for pre-defense, and it is finalized for defense.
  • Dissertation reviews by official opponents (specialists in the field under study) and the leading organization, each review is about 6 pages long.

In total, two reviews of opponents are required for a Ph.D. thesis, and one of the opponents must be a doctor of science, and the second can be a candidate. For a doctoral dissertation - three reviews from opponents with a doctorate degree. It is advisable to select opponents so that they are employees of different report writing help organizations.

  • Answers to questions and remarks of opponents.
  • Review of the dissertation supervisor.
  • References may be required on the use of the research results in practice in any organizations (1-3 references).
  • About five reviews per abstract.

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Dissertation in History
Writing Doctoral and Master's Theses
Dissertation in Sociology
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