Lets Make Online Role Playing Games Great again


Come People of all nations and backgrounds, Do you remember the tale of how RPG was made? when it was born into the world

Most of your probably do not, I am here to say to you all, Lets try to find that Meaning again of Online Role playing gaming, Lets Remember the Values of Gaming in general and adopt it once more to this server of which we have so much more opportunities than ever before.

Priyezzhayte Lyudi vsekh natsiy i proiskhozhdeniya, Pomnite rasskaz o tom, kak sozdavalas' RPG? Kogda on rodilsya v mire

Bol'shinstvo iz vas, veroyatno, etogo ne delayut, ya zdes ', chtoby skazat' vsem vam. Davayte poprobuyem snova nayti eto znacheniye v onlayn-igrakh s rolevymi igrami. Davayte vspomnim znacheniya igr v tselom i primenim yego yeshche raz k etomu serveru, na kotorom u nas tak mnogo Vozmozhnostey bol'she, chem kogda-libo prezhde.

(Used google translate)
Come People of all nations and backgrounds, Do you remember the tale of how RPG was made? when it was born into the world

Most of your probably do not, I am here to say to you all, Lets try to find that Meaning again of Online Role playing gaming, Lets Remember the Values of Gaming in general and adopt it once more to this server of which we have so much more opportunities than ever before.

Priyezzhayte Lyudi vsekh natsiy i proiskhozhdeniya, Pomnite rasskaz o tom, kak sozdavalas' RPG? Kogda on rodilsya v mire

Bol'shinstvo iz vas, veroyatno, etogo ne delayut, ya zdes ', chtoby skazat' vsem vam. Davayte poprobuyem snova nayti eto znacheniye v onlayn-igrakh s rolevymi igrami. Davayte vspomnim znacheniya igr v tselom i primenim yego yeshche raz k etomu serveru, na kotorom u nas tak mnogo Vozmozhnostey bol'she, chem kogda-libo prezhde.

(Used google translate)
I think that more people will see it, it's worth creating this topic in another section)